Friday, 18 March 2016

Zoe's Myth-Hexthe flying book

Hex is a book. He is not just an ordinary book he is a flying book oh and he also talks too.
One day he found a book in Lucy's cupboard and he liked the look of the book. So he opened it and started to read it. He wondered why it had words in the pages and why he did not have words in his blank pages. 

He read and read for hours on end. Then Lucy came home and shouted ’’ Hex I am home ‘’ she said. Immediately he shut the book raced down stairs and asked Lucy a question ‘’Why do other books have words in their pages and I don’t’’ Hex said. Lucy replied and said ‘’let's not talk about it okay’’ said Lucy. ‘’okay’’ replied Hex. 

That night Hex went back to the cupboard and the other book that he read before said ‘’why did you read me last night’’ she said. Well that is because I wonder why Lucy does not wright in me and why you have words on your pages’’ Hex said. ’’ The reason that is is because you can fly and talk and I only talk by words in my book’’ said the other book. ‘’Okay talk to you tomorrow’’ Hex sied

The next morning hex got a pen and got to work. Then after he write a page or 2 Lucy found him and said’’ what are you doing I am supposed to write in your pages not you’’ she shouted ‘’well I was just wondering when does the shopping come’’ Hex replied
‘’ Stop changing the subjects Hex you know that is not allowed and I did not order any shopping anyways’’ Lucy said
‘’Then can you please write in me because I want a to life a normal life’’ Hex replied
‘’Fine I will but you promise me you will not do this ever again.’’ Lucy said.
‘’Okay.’’ Hex said.
So that is how books came to life and that Hex learned a lesson.


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