Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Why we should keep the flag- by Zara

I think we should keep the flag because we have grown up with it and we feel contented with it and the flag hasn't changed since 1902 so that shows we are a country who is proud of their flag and wants to keep it as long as they can. We should also keep it because it represents the country that our soldiers fort and died for. I think we should also keep it because it would waste a lot of money which could be spent on different things like on houses for poor people or better learning facilities for kids at school. I think we Should also keep it because it reminds us of our events and achievements from the past. I think we should keep it because it shows our relation to Britten witch gave us respect for the law and to be judged Fairly. I also think we should keep it so when we get married and have kid they can say they have a really cool country because our flag is so old even to prove it was made it 1902. By Zara

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