Friday, 1 April 2016

The fish of

One hot day Maui was paddling away from his beloved island, on a big, long, wooden waka.
For days and days, nights and nights until one day Maui stopped paddling, he stopped everything and he took a deep breath.

As he took a big breath the sun was gleeming down on him, all his thoughts were bubbling around Maui’s mind his was sleepy.
Maui reached into his grass skirt and got out his fishing hook.

He throw that hook as hard as he could making it go so far away. Deeper and deeper the hook went the longing it took.
Maui wanted for hours, he got out a newspaper and had a read of it. Then he had a nap, then a HUGE black fish got the hook it was a sting ray.

The North island, living plants,” was it a magical land yes” he paddled back home to tell his loved ones about this island that came to be.

The beast have never awaken from the day forward.


1 comment:

  1. Really nice story Ava next time use bigger paragraphs
